My Validation as an Instructor (The Road to Urduja Film Festival 2016)

The road to Urduja Film Festival was a mixture of fun, laughter, pain, and headache, that all started with a project in my Film class. I was never confident of who I am as an instructor but being able to guide my students to produce an output that we can be proud of is a feat for me.

“Talaarawan” is a film created by my students as their final project for my Film Class. It actually won lots recognition in our school festival that led us to venture into remaking the whole project and produce a better quality one. It was not easy but it was worth it.

Urduja Film Festival acknowledged our project by giving us the Best Picture Award for 2016. I felt lots of emotions but I guess the feeling that I can certainly describe is my sense of validation as an instructor. That even though I feel that I am not good enough as an Instructor, the awards that we received made me feel that I was able to impart good values and knowledge to my students. This also made me strive to become a better instructor for my future students who will need my guidance in the future.


I had learned a lot from this experience. That it is okay to try new things and not be afraid to fail. That pushing our boundaries and our limits will help us be brave and not be afraid of the things we are not sure of. Truth be told, this had been one of the best experiences of my life.


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