A Metaphor to Describe Development Communication




Metaphor: Development Communication is the Bridge that connects government programs to the grass root communities.


As we can observe in the illustration, there are three parts; on the left we can see development programs and scientific innovations being carried and ready to be delivered by the government and scientific community respectively. These programs and scientific innovations are being transported to a specific audience, which in this case are the grass root communities of the society (farmers, fisher folks, etcetera).

This transport will not be possible if there is no bridge connecting them, which is development communication. Without this bridge (development communication), programs and scientific innovations will plummet into failure and not reach its purpose. We can observe that the bridge is, concrete, resilient, and advantageously placed just like development communication strategies are. Concrete in the sense that development communication strategies should be solid and tangible. Resilient in the sense that it can be can endure external factors and withstand the test of time. Advantageously placed means that strategies should be placed where it is needed and where it can be beneficial.

Furthermore, we can observe that the grass root communities are ready to receive the programs being delivered to them. It is very important for communities to be ready and willing to accept these programs because development will only start if they are fully prepared to accept and implement them.

With this we can realize the role of development communication in bridging the gap between the government (and science sector) and the grass root communities. It also gives the government the channel in the implementation of programs that can lead to the development of the society.


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