10 Things I Like About Benguet State University


  1. The Benguet State University Welcome Mural – Entering Benguet State University and being welcomed by a Mural that represents the culture and the way of living of the people of Benguet will make feel, well…. welcomed. The welcome sign is written in Gold, which for me represents Benguet as the province that has first and oldest Mining Corporation in the Philippines. Two figures can also be seen to represent the people of Benguet and how they are one with nature. Below the Welcome Mural, we can also see the Official Logo of Benguet State University


  1. The Benguet State University Vision Tarpaulin – It is nice to see the Vision of the school for all people to see. It gives the impression on people that Benguet State University is indeed a premiere University that delivers world-class education. It also gives confidence to students as well as the people of Benguet that they belong in an institution that is advanced and innovative with quality researches that makes them a world-class institution.


  1. Its Vast Green Spaces – Being used to crowded small spaces, it’s like a breath of fresh air to be inside Benguet State University. It has a very relaxed atmosphere wherein students can just lounge under the trees or lie down grassy fields. It reminds me of the less stressful, slow-paced lifestyle that I had when I was younger.


  1. Covered Walkways – Since Benguet State University Campus is a very large place, walking from one place to another during rainy seasons can be troublesome. These covered walkways are very helpful for students and employees wandering around the campus. These covered walkways also have metal seats to sit down in when they get tired in the middle of long walks.


  1. Public Assistance and Information Desks – I seldom see school campuses that has Public Assistance and Information Desks. Maybe this is due to the size of the campus and also maybe because of the different buildings and offices that are scattered inside it that people might need assistance where and which office to go to. I personally commend the friendly Information Officers of BSU, who guided me through the whole enrolment process.


  1. BSU’s Administrative Offices and Officers – Looking for offices can be very hard in Benguet State University but because of their friendly Officers, school processes is just a walk in the park to accomplish. They guided me which office and person to go to and also answers questions politely and professionally. They are also very considerate especially to any valid requests.


  1. Clear Signs in Giving Out Directions – Getting lost inside Benguet State University campus is a very big possibility. But thank you to the clear signs that indicate where the buildings are and how to go there. They are actually very helpful most importantly to new students and tourists who want to stroll around the vicinity of the campus.


  1. BSU Marketing Centre – It’s nice to see a school promote its own products. Benguet State University boasts a wide variety of Organic products locally produced by the residents of La Trinidad. This marketing centre also helps locals to have a base to sell their goods that will eventually help them to expand and develop more variety of products.


  1. Herbal Garden – Their herbal garden just proves Benguet State University’s commitment in promoting the use of herbal products as food, medicine, flavouring, and fragrance. Also with these herbal gardens they could to do extensive research on what other uses or components these herbs has that can benefit people. It also educates people how to grow their own herbal gardens.


  1. Weather – I could not reiterate enough how I love the climate in Benguet. But for many people here, the climate is also the reason why they have very good products that becomes the source of their livelihood. The climate in Benguet enables them to grow strawberries, lettuce, and lemons that normally do not grow in places with warm climate.


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